Latest version.
  • (a) The "Go Texan" Partner Program Advisory Board is composed of at least eight members appointed by the commissioner to assist the department in the implementation of the "Go Texan" Partner Program.

    (b) The board shall include:

    (1) one representative from the department;

    (2) one representative from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Commodity Credit Corporation, involved in the promotion of agricultural commodities, who shall serve as a nonvoting member of the board and is not a member for purposes of establishing a quorum;

    (3) one representative each from the radio, print, and television advertising media;

    (4) one representative from the advertising profession;

    (5) one consumer representative;

    (6) one representative from the Internet website or electronic commerce industry;

    (7) one representative with demonstrated expertise in economic analysis; and

    (8) other members the commissioner determines as necessary for the purposes of this chapter.

    (c) A member of the advisory board serves at the pleasure of the commissioner.

    (d) A member serves without compensation but is entitled to reimbursement for actual expenses incurred in the performance of official board duties, subject to approval of the commissioner. Money for expense reimbursement shall be deducted from the "Go Texan" partner program account.

    (e) Except as provided by Subsection (d), Chapter 2110, Government Code, does not apply to the board.

    (f) An eligible applicant is not ineligible to participate in the program established under this chapter solely because a board member is also an officer, director, or employee of the applicant organization, provided that the board member shall be recused from an action taken by the board on an application involving an applicant organization with which the board member serves as an officer, director, or employee.

    (g) The board shall:

    (1) review applications of eligible participants and approve or deny funding under this chapter;

    (2) advise the department on matters related to the administration of the account; and

    (3) advise the department on the adoption of rules relating to the administration of the "Go Texan" Partner Program.

    (h) The commissioner shall provide the board with staff necessary to assist the board in carrying out its duties under this chapter.

Added by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 186, Sec. 2, eff. Sept. 1, 1999. Amended by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. 208, Sec. 7, eff. May 21, 2001.