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  • (a) The legislature finds that:

    (1) school-age dependents of military personnel are faced with numerous transitions during their formative years; and

    (2) military dependents who move from one school to another during the high school years are faced with special challenges to learning and future achievement.

    (b) In recognition of the challenges faced by military dependents and the importance of military families to our community and economy, the agency shall assist the transition of military students from one school to another by:

    (1) improving the timely transfer of student records;

    (2) developing systems to ease student transition during the first two weeks of enrollment at a new school;

    (3) promoting practices that foster student access to extracurricular programs;

    (4) establishing procedures to lessen the adverse impact of student moves to a new school after the end of the student's junior year of high school;

    (5) encouraging or maintaining partnerships between military bases and affected school districts;

    (6) encouraging school districts to provide services for military students in transition when applying for admission to postsecondary study and when seeking sources of funding for postsecondary study; and

    (7) providing other assistance as identified by the agency.

Added by Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch. 164 , Sec. 1, eff. May 27, 2005.