Texas Statutes (Last Updated: January 4, 2014) |
(a) At the time set for convening the canvassing authority for the local canvass, the presiding officer of the canvassing authority shall deliver the sealed precinct returns to the authority. The authority shall open the returns for each precinct and canvass them as provided by this section. Two members of the authority constitute a quorum for purposes of canvassing an election.
(b) The canvassing authority shall prepare a tabulation stating for each candidate and for and against each measure:
(1) the total number of votes received in each precinct; and
(2) the sum of the precinct totals tabulated under Subdivision (1).
(b-1) The tabulation in Subsection (b) must also include for each precinct the total number of voters who cast a ballot for a candidate or for or against a measure in the election. The secretary of state shall prescribe any procedures necessary to implement this subsection.
(c) The canvassing authority may prepare the tabulation as a separate document or may enter the tabulation directly in the local election register maintained for the authority. The authority shall attach or include as part of the tabulation the report of early voting votes by precinct received under Section 87.1231.
(d) The canvassing authority may compare the precinct returns with the corresponding tally list. If a discrepancy is discovered between the vote totals shown on the returns and those shown on the tally list for a precinct, the presiding judge of the precinct shall examine the returns and tally list and make the necessary corrections on the returns.
(e) On completion of the canvass, the presiding officer of the canvassing authority shall deliver the tabulation to the custodian of the local election register unless it is entered directly in the election register. The custodian shall preserve the tabulation for the period for preserving the precinct election records.
(f) On completion of the canvass, the presiding officer of the canvassing authority shall deliver the precinct returns, tally lists, and early voting precinct report used in the canvass to the general custodian of election records. The custodian shall preserve them for the period for preserving the precinct election records.