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  • (a) The department shall maintain in the department's central database information concerning children placed in the department's custody, including:

    (1) for each formal adoption of a child in this state:

    (A) the length of time between the date of the permanency plan decision of adoption and the date of the actual placement of the child with an adoptive family;

    (B) the length of time between the date of the placement of the child for adoption and the date a final order of adoption was rendered;

    (C) if the child returned to the department's custody after the date a final order of adoption was rendered for the child, the time between the date the final adoption order was rendered and the date the child returned to the department's custody; and

    (D) for the adoptive family of a child under Paragraph (C), whether the family used postadoption program services before the date the child returned to the department's custody; and

    (2) for each placement of a child in substitute care:

    (A) the level of care the child was determined to require;

    (B) whether the child was placed in an appropriate setting based on the level of care determined for the child;

    (C) the number of moves for the child in substitute care and the reasons for moving the child;

    (D) the length of stay in substitute care for the child from the date of initial placement to the date of approval of a permanency plan for the child;

    (E) the length of time between the date of approval of a permanency plan for the child and the date of achieving the plan;

    (F) whether the child's permanency plan was long-term substitute care;

    (G) whether the child's achieved permanency plan was placement with an appropriate relative or another person, other than a foster parent, having standing; and

    (H) whether the child was adopted by the child's foster parents.

    (b) In addition to the information required in Subsection (a), the department shall compile information on:

    (1) the number of families that used postadoption program services to assist in maintaining adoptive placements;

    (2) the number of children returned to the department's custody after placement with an adoptive family but before a final adoption order was rendered;

    (3) the number of children returned to the department's custody after the date a final order of adoption was rendered for the child;

    (4) the number of adoptive families who used postadoption program services before the date a child placed with the family returned to the department's custody;

    (5) the percentage of children who were placed in an appropriate setting based on the level of care determined for the child;

    (6) the percentage of children placed in a department foster home;

    (7) the percentage of children placed in a private child-placing agency;

    (8) the number of children whose permanency plan was long-term substitute care;

    (9) the number of children whose achieved permanency plan was placement with an appropriate relative or another person, other than a foster parent, having standing;

    (10) the number of children adopted by the child's foster parents; and

    (11) the number of children whose achieved permanency plan was removal of the disabilities of minority.

    (c) The department shall make the information maintained under this section, other than information that is required by law to be confidential, available to the public by computer.

Added by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 600, Sec. 18, eff. Sept. 1, 1997.