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  • (a) This section applies:

    (1) to a contested case and judicial review of a final decision under this chapter, whether by trial de novo or under the substantial evidence rule, in which an issue is the abuse of a child younger than 12 years of age; and

    (2) only to the statement or testimony of a child younger than 12 years of age who is alleged to have been abused.

    (b) The recording of an oral statement recorded before the proceeding is admissible into evidence if:

    (1) an attorney for a party to the proceeding was not present when the statement was made;

    (2) the recording is both visual and aural and is recorded on film or videotape or by other electronic means;

    (3) the recording equipment was capable of making an accurate recording;

    (4) the operator was competent;

    (5) the recording is accurate and has not been altered;

    (6) the statement was not made in response to questioning calculated to lead the child to make a particular statement;

    (7) each voice on the recording is identified;

    (8) the individual conducting the interview of the child in the recording is present at the proceeding and available to testify or to be cross-examined by either party; and

    (9) each party to the proceeding is given an opportunity to view the recording before it is offered into evidence.

    (c) On the motion of a party to the proceeding, the individual conducting the hearing may order that the testimony of the child be taken in a room other than the hearing room and be televised by closed circuit equipment in the hearing room to be viewed by the finder of fact and the parties to the proceeding. Only an attorney for each party, an attorney ad litem for the child or other individual whose presence would contribute to the welfare and well-being of the child, and individuals necessary to operate the equipment may be present in the room with the child during the child's testimony. Only the attorneys for the parties may question the child. The individuals operating the equipment shall be confined to an adjacent room or behind a screen or mirror that permits them to see and hear the child during the child's testimony but does not permit the child to see or hear them.

    (d) On the motion of a party to the proceeding, the individual conducting the hearing may order that the testimony of the child be taken outside the hearing room and be recorded for showing in the hearing room before the individual conducting the hearing, the finder of fact, and the parties to the proceeding. Only those individuals permitted to be present at the taking of testimony under Subsection (c) may be present during the taking of the child's testimony. Only the attorneys for the parties may question the child, and the individuals operating the equipment shall be confined from the child's sight and hearing as provided by Subsection (c). The individual conducting the hearing shall ensure that:

    (1) the recording is both visual and aural and is recorded on film or videotape or by other electronic means;

    (2) the recording equipment was capable of making an accurate recording;

    (3) the operator was competent;

    (4) the recording is accurate and is not altered;

    (5) each voice on the recording is identified; and

    (6) each party to the proceeding is given an opportunity to view the recording before it is shown in the hearing room.

    (e) A child whose testimony is taken as provided by this section may not be compelled to testify in the presence of the individual conducting the hearing during the proceeding.

Added by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 268, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1993.