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  • (a) The supreme court may act on applications for writs of error when the court deems it expedient. The supreme court shall pass on an application for writ of error in a case in which the justices of the courts of appeals have disagreed or have declared void a statute of the state.

    (b) By a written designation recorded in the minutes of the supreme court, the chief justice or any two justices of the supreme court may designate three justices of the courts of appeals to act on applications for writs of error as provided by this section. The designation of justices of the courts of appeals may be changed as often as is advisable by relieving one or more of the justices and designating another or others in order to interfere as little as possible with the work of the courts of appeals. Only one justice may be designated to serve at any one time from any one of the courts of appeals. The power to designate justices of the courts of appeals to act on applications for writs of error may be exercised from time to time as long as necessary.

    (c) Designated justices of the courts of appeals, on receiving notice of their designation, shall assemble in Austin and act on the applications for writs of error that are referred to them, by granting, refusing, or dismissing the applications in accordance with the practice of the supreme court. The designated justices may then make orders and give directions incidental to the consideration and disposition of each application.

    (d) A designated justice of a court of appeals shall not act on an application for writ of error in a case decided during the justice's incumbency by the court of which he is a member.

    (e) The granting of an application for writ of error admits the case into the supreme court, and the supreme court shall proceed with the case as provided by law. The refusal or dismissal of an application has the effect of denying the admission of the case into the supreme court, except that a motion for rehearing may be made to the designated justices in the same manner that a motion for rehearing to the supreme court is made. The refusal or dismissal of an application shall not be regarded as a precedent or authority.

    (f) The powers conferred on the justices of the supreme court and the courts of appeals by this section are incidental to their respective offices.

    (g) A designated justice of a court of appeals is entitled to the actual and necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of his additional duties. The comptroller shall issue warrants to pay the expenses out of the state treasury on itemized accounts of the expenses that are verified by the affidavit of the claimant.

Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 480, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1985.