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  • (a) The licensed court interpreter advisory board is established as an advisory board to the commission. The board is composed of nine members appointed by the presiding officer of the commission, with the commission's approval. Members of the board serve staggered six-year terms, with the terms of one-third of the members expiring on February 1 of each odd-numbered year.

    (b) The advisory board is composed of:

    (1) an active district, county, or statutory county court judge who has been a judge for at least the three years preceding the date of appointment;

    (2) an active court administrator who has been a court administrator for at least the three years preceding the date of appointment;

    (3) an active attorney who has been a practicing member of the state bar for at least the three years preceding the date of appointment;

    (4) three active licensed court interpreters; and

    (5) three public members who are residents of this state.

    (c) The presiding officer of the commission, with the commission's approval, shall select from the board members a presiding officer of the board to serve for two years.

    (d) Members shall be appointed without regard to race, sex, religion, or ethnic origin. The membership of the board must reflect the geographical and cultural diversity of the state.

    (e) The presiding officer of the commission, with the commission's approval, may remove a member of the board for inefficiency or neglect of duty in office. If a vacancy occurs on the board, the presiding officer of the commission, with the commission's approval, shall appoint a member who represents the same interests as the former member to serve the unexpired term.

    (f) The board shall meet at least twice a year at the call of the presiding officer at a place designated by the presiding officer. A majority of the board constitutes a quorum.

    (g) The board shall advise the commission regarding the adoption of rules and the design of a licensing examination.

    (h) A board member is entitled to reimbursement for expenses incurred in attending meetings of the board in the amount of the per diem set by the General Appropriations Act. A member may not receive compensation for the member's services as a board member. Service on the board by a member appointed under Subsection (b)(1) is an additional duty required by the member's other official capacity, and that service on the board is not a dual office holding.

Added by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. 1139, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 2001. Amended by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 816, Sec. 8.002, eff. Sept. 1, 2003.