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  • (a) A rendering establishment shall provide sufficient space for:

    (1) the sanitary administration of rendering operations and processes;

    (2) the installation of necessary utility equipment; and

    (3) the installation of processing equipment in a manner that makes the equipment easily accessible for cleaning.

    (b) A rendering establishment must be constructed so as to be easily maintained in a sanitary condition and to prevent shelter for rodents, roaches, and other vermin.

    (c) A floor in a rendering establishment must be constructed of good quality concrete, metal, or other equally impervious and easily cleanable material. It must be smooth, graded to drain, and provided with an adequate number of trapped drains or other waste disposal facilities approved by the department. A gutter used to conduct drainage must be constructed and located so it can be easily cleaned and maintained in a sanitary condition.

    (d) A wall, partition, or post in a rendering establishment must be finished with a smooth, washable surface of concrete, metal, or other equally impervious and easily cleanable material.

    (e) A ceiling, the underside of a roof if used as a ceiling, and any exposed overhead structure in a rendering establishment must have easily cleanable surfaces.

    (f) Each exterior wall and roof, and any opening in an outer wall or roof, must protect against the entrance of insects, rodents, and other vermin. An interior wall, partition, post, ceiling, or other overhead structure may not contain crevices or openings that may provide shelter for rodents or insects.

    (g) A rendering establishment shall provide a paved area of adequate size for washing and sanitizing trucks. The paved area must be provided with adequate drains that lead to a sanitary sewer system.

Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 678, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1989.