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  • (a) In this section, "emissions event" has the meaning assigned by Section 382.0215.

    (b) The commission shall establish criteria for determining when emissions events are excessive. The criteria must include consideration of:

    (1) the frequency of the facility's emissions events;

    (2) the cause of the emissions event;

    (3) the quantity and impact on human health or the environment of the emissions event;

    (4) the duration of the emissions event;

    (5) the percentage of a facility's total annual operating hours during which emissions events occur; and

    (6) the need for startup, shutdown, and maintenance activities.

    (c) The commission shall require a facility to take action to reduce emissions from excessive emissions events. Consistent with commission rules, a facility required to take action under this subsection must either file a corrective action plan or file a letter of intent to obtain authorization for emissions from the excessive emissions events, provided that the emissions are sufficiently frequent, quantifiable, and predictable. If the intended authorization is a permit, a permit application shall be filed within 120 days of the filing of the letter of intent. If the intended authorization is a permit by rule or standard exemption, the authorization must be obtained within 120 days of the filing of the letter of intent. If the commission denies the requested authorization, within 45 days of receiving notice of the commission's denial, the facility shall file a corrective action plan to reduce emissions from the excessive emissions events.

    (d) A corrective action plan filed under Subsection (c) must identify the cause or causes of each emissions event, specify the control devices or other measures that are reasonably designed to prevent or minimize similar emissions events in the future, and specify a time within which the corrective action plan will be implemented. A corrective action plan must be approved by the commission. A corrective action plan shall be deemed approved 45 days after filing, if the commission has not disapproved the plan; however, an owner or operator may request affirmative commission approval, in which case the commission must take final written action to approve or disapprove the plan within 120 days. An approved corrective action plan shall be made available to the public by the commission, except to the extent information in the plan is confidential information protected under Chapter 552, Government Code. The commission shall establish reasonable schedules for the implementation of corrective action plans and procedures for revision of a corrective action plan if the commission finds the plan, after implementation begins, to be inadequate to meet the goal of preventing or minimizing emissions and emissions events. The implementation schedule shall be enforceable by the commission.

    (e) The rules may not exclude from the requirement to submit a corrective action plan emissions events resulting from the lack of preventive maintenance or from operator error, or emissions that are a part of a recurring pattern of emissions events indicative of inadequate design or operation.

    (f) The commission by rule may establish an affirmative defense to a commission enforcement action if the emissions event meets criteria defined by commission rule. In establishing rules under this subsection, the commission at a minimum must require consideration of the factors listed in Subsections (b)(1)-(6).

    (g) The burden of proof in any claim of a defense to commission enforcement action for an emissions event is on the person claiming the defense.

    (h) A person may not claim an affirmative defense to a commission enforcement action if the person failed to take corrective action under a corrective action plan approved by the commission within the time prescribed by the commission and an emissions event recurs because of that failure.

    (i) In the event the owner or operator of a facility fails to report an emissions event, the commission shall initiate enforcement for such failure to report and for the underlying emissions event itself. This subsection does not apply where an owner or operator reports an emissions event and the report was incomplete, inaccurate, or untimely unless the owner or operator knowingly or intentionally falsified the information in the report.

    (j) The commission shall account for and consider chronic excessive emissions events and emissions events for which the commission has initiated enforcement in the manner set forth by the commission in its review of an entity's compliance history.

Added by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. 965, Sec. 5.01(a), eff. Sept. 1, 2001.