Sec. 1201.610. CEASE AND DESIST  

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  • (a) If the director has reasonable cause to believe that a person licensed under this chapter has violated or is about to violate any provision of this chapter or rules adopted by the department under this chapter, the director may issue without notice and hearing an order to cease and desist from continuing a particular action or an order to take affirmative action, or both, to enforce compliance with this chapter.

    (b) The director may issue an order to any licensee to cease and desist from violating any law, rule, or written agreement or to take corrective action with respect to any such violations if the violations in any way are related to the sale, financing, or installation of a manufactured home or the providing of goods or services in connection with the sale, financing, or installation of a manufactured home unless the matter that is the basis of such violation is expressly subject to inspection and regulation by another state agency; provided, however, that if any matter involves a law that is subject to any other administration or interpretation by another agency, the director shall consult with the person in charge of the day-to-day administration of that agency before issuing an order.

    (c) An order issued under Subsection (a) or (b) must contain a reasonably detailed statement of the facts on which the order is based. If a person against whom the order is issued requests a hearing before the 31st day after the date the order is issued, the director shall set and give notice of a hearing. The hearing shall be governed by Chapter 2001, Government Code. Based on the findings of fact, conclusions of law, and recommendations of the hearings officer, the board by order may find that a violation has occurred or has not occurred.

    (d) If a hearing is not requested under Subsection (c) before the 31st day after the date an order is issued, the order is considered final and not appealable.

    (e) The director, after giving notice, may impose against a person who violates a cease and desist order an administrative penalty in an amount not to exceed $1,000 for each day of the violation. In addition to any other remedy provided by law, the director may institute in district court a suit for injunctive relief and for the collection of the administrative penalty. A bond is not required of the director with respect to injunctive relief granted under this subsection.

    (f) If a person fails to pay an administrative penalty that has become final or fails to comply with an order of the director that has become final, in addition to any other remedy provided by law, the director, after not less than 10 days' notice to the person, may without a prior hearing suspend the person's license. The suspension shall continue until the person has complied with the cease and desist order or paid the administrative penalty. During the period of suspension, the person may not perform any act requiring a license under this chapter, and all compensation received by the person during the period of suspension is subject to forfeiture to the person from whom it was received.

    (g) An order of suspension under Subsection (f) may be appealed. An appeal is a contested case governed by Chapter 2001, Government Code. A hearing of an appeal of an order of suspension issued under Subsection (f) shall be held not later than the 15th day after the date of receipt of the notice of appeal. The appellant shall be provided at least three days' notice of the time and place of the hearing.

    (h) An order revoking the license of a retailer, broker, installer, or salesperson may provide that the person is prohibited, without obtaining prior written consent of the director, from being a related person of a licensee.

Added by Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. 863 , Sec. 63, eff. January 1, 2008.