Latest version.
  • (a) The department may:

    (1) apply for, register, secure, hold, and protect under the laws of the United States, any state, or any nation a patent, copyright, trademark, or other evidence of protection or exclusivity issued in or for an idea, publication, or other original innovation fixed in a tangible medium, including:

    (A) a literary work;

    (B) a logo;

    (C) a service mark;

    (D) a study;

    (E) a map or planning document;

    (F) an engineering, architectural, or graphic design;

    (G) a manual;

    (H) automated systems software;

    (I) an audiovisual work;

    (J) a sound recording; or

    (K) travel literature, including a pamphlet, bulletin, book, map, periodical, or electronic information published or produced under Section 3, Chapter 193, Acts of the 56th Legislature, Regular Session, 1959 (Article 6144e, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes);

    (2) enter into a nonexclusive license agreement with a third party for the receipt of a fee, royalty, or other thing of monetary or nonmonetary value;

    (3) waive or reduce the amount of a fee, royalty, or other thing of monetary or nonmonetary value to be assessed if the department determines that the waiver will:

    (A) further the goals and missions of the department; and

    (B) result in a net benefit to the state; and

    (4) adopt and enforce rules necessary to implement this section.

    (b) Money paid to the department under this section shall be deposited to the credit of the state highway fund.

Added by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 165, Sec. 30.07(a), eff. Sept. 1, 1997.