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  • (a) In this section, "unit of election" means a political subdivision that previously voted to join the service area of a transit provider.

    (b) An authority may request in writing a transit provider to transfer the provider's transit system and taxing authority to the authority if the board determines that the traffic needs of the counties in which the authority operates could be most efficiently and economically met by the transfer.

    (c) On receipt of a written request under Subsection (b), the governing body of the transit provider may authorize the authority to solicit public comment and conduct at least one public hearing on the proposed transfer in each unit of election in the transit provider's service area. Notice of a hearing must be published in the Texas Register, one or more newspapers of general circulation in the transit provider's service area, and a newspaper, if any, published in the counties of the requesting authority. The notice shall also solicit written comments on the proposed transfer. The transit provider may participate fully with the authority in conducting a public hearing.

    (d) A board may approve the acquisition of the transit provider if the governing body of the transit provider approves transfer of its operations to the authority and dissolution of the transit provider is approved in an election ordered under Subsection (e). Before approving the acquisition, the board shall consider public comments received under Subsection (c).

    (e) After considering public comments received under Subsection (c), the governing body of the transit provider may order an election to dissolve the transit provider and transfer all services, property, funds, assets, employees, debts, and obligations to the authority. The governing body of the transit provider shall submit to the qualified voters in the units of election in the transit provider's service area a proposition that reads substantially as follows: "Shall (name of transit provider) be dissolved and its services, property, funds, assets, employees, debts, and obligations be transferred to (name of regional mobility authority)? "

    (f) An election under Subsection (e) shall be conducted so that votes are separately tabulated and canvassed in each participating unit of election in the transit provider's service area.

    (g) The governing body of the transit provider shall canvass the returns and declare the results of the election separately with respect to each unit of election. If a majority of the votes received in a unit of election are in favor of the proposition, the proposition is approved in that unit of election. The transit provider is dissolved and its services, property, funds, assets, employees, debts, and obligations are transferred to the authority only if the proposition is approved in every unit of election. If the proposition is not approved in every unit of election, the proposition does not pass and the transit provider is not dissolved.

    (h) A certified copy of the order or resolution recording the results of the election shall be filed with the department, the comptroller, and the governing body of each unit of election in the transit provider's service area.

    (i) The authority shall assume all debts or other obligations of the transferred transit provider in connection with the acquisition of property under Subsection (g). The authority may not use revenue from sales and use tax collected under this subchapter or other revenue of the transit system in a manner inconsistent with any pledge of that revenue for the payment of any outstanding bonds, unless provisions have been made for a full discharge of the bonds.

Added by Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch. 281 , Sec. 2.76, eff. June 14, 2005.