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  • (a) The comptroller may contract with an appropriate vendor to develop and implement an advanced database system to enhance tax collections.

    (b) Subject to Subsection (c), the total amount of compensation paid to the vendor that develops, implements, and maintains the advanced database system is equal to the product of:

    (1) the percentage stated in the contract; and

    (2) the amount of revenue collected from taxpayers by the comptroller, after all available administrative and judicial appeals are exhausted, as a result of audit and enforcement actions taken on cases identified from the system.

    (c) The amount of compensation paid to a vendor under Subsection (b) may not exceed the maximum amount, if any, stated in the contract between the comptroller and the vendor.

    (d) The comptroller may pay compensation to a vendor under this section periodically at the times specified in the contract between the comptroller and the vendor. The comptroller shall determine the amount of a periodic payment in accordance with Subsections (b) and (c). In computing the amount under Subsection (b)(2), the comptroller may include a case only if the case:

    (1) becomes administratively final during the period covered by the payment; and

    (2) is not the subject of litigation at the end of that period.

    (e) The comptroller may pay a vendor under this section only through warrants issued or electronic funds transfers initiated by the comptroller. The comptroller shall account for the compensation as a subtraction from tax collections and not as a general expense of the comptroller.

    (f) Except as provided by Subsection (g), the comptroller shall award a contract made under this section through a competitive bidding process that complies with Section 2155.132, Government Code. If the comptroller receives not more than three bids through the competitive bidding process, the comptroller shall report the number of bidders to the Legislative Budget Board before awarding the contract.

    (g) The comptroller may enter into separate contracts with additional appropriate vendors willing and able to develop and implement an advanced database system to enhance tax collections at the same rate and under the same terms and conditions as the contract awarded through competitive bidding.

    (h) Except as specifically provided by this section, the comptroller may include any term or condition in a contract made under this section that the comptroller considers necessary or advisable to maximize enhancement of tax collections while otherwise protecting the state's interests.

    (i) The comptroller shall report semiannually to the Legislative Budget Board the:

    (1) amount of revenue collected under this section; and

    (2) amount of compensation awarded to a vendor under this section.

    (j) A person acting on behalf of this state under a contract authorized by this section does not exercise any of the sovereign power of this state, except that the person is an agent of this state for purposes of developing and implementing an advanced database system to enhance tax collections.

    (k) The comptroller may provide to a person acting on behalf of this state under a contract authorized by this section any confidential information in the custody of the comptroller that is necessary to develop and implement an advanced database system to enhance tax collections and that the comptroller is not prohibited from sharing under an agreement with another state or the federal government. A person who receives confidential information under this subsection and each employee or agent of that person is subject to each prohibition against disclosure of the information that applies to the comptroller or an employee of the comptroller. A person, employee, or agent who receives confidential information under this subsection and improperly discloses that information is subject to the same penalties and sanctions that would apply to the comptroller or an employee of the comptroller for that disclosure.

Added by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 927, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1997. Amended by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. 1272, Sec. 5.02, eff. June 15, 2001. Amended by: Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. 937 , Sec. 1.108, eff. September 1, 2007.