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  • (a) If after examination or other investigation, the comptroller believes that the owner or operator of a motor vehicle or cargo tank, or a person receiving, possessing, delivering, or selling gasoline or diesel fuel, has not paid all motor fuel taxes due, or does not have a valid license entitling that person to possess or transport tax-free motor fuel, the comptroller or peace officer may impound the fuel, the motor vehicle, cargo tank, storage tank, equipment, paraphernalia, or other tangible personal property used for or incident to the storage, sale, or transportation of that motor fuel. Unless proof is produced within three working days after the beginning of impoundment that the owner, operator, or other person has paid the taxes established by the comptroller to be due on the gasoline or diesel fuel stored, sold, used, or transported and any other taxes due to this state, or that the owner, operator, or other person holds a valid license to possess or transport tax-free motor fuel, the comptroller may demand payment of all taxes, penalties, and interest due to this state, and all costs of impoundment.

    (b) If the owner or operator does not produce the required documentation or required license or pay the taxes, penalties, interest, and costs due within three working days after the beginning of the impoundment, the comptroller may seize the impounded property to satisfy the tax liability.

    (c) The comptroller may seize:

    (1) all motor fuel on which taxes are imposed by this chapter that is found in the possession, custody, or control of any person for the purpose of being sold, transported, removed, or used by the person in violation of this chapter;

    (2) all motor fuel that is removed or is deposited, stored, or concealed in any place with intent to avoid payment of taxes;

    (3) any automobile, truck, tank truck, boat, trailer conveyance, or other vehicle used in the removal or transportation of the motor fuel to avoid payment of taxes; and

    (4) all equipment, paraphernalia, storage tanks, or tangible personal property incident to and used for avoiding the payment of taxes and found in the place, building, or vehicle where the motor fuel is found.

Added by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 199, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 2004.