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  • (a) If a motor vehicle bearing a liquefied gas tax decal is sold or transferred, the seller and purchaser shall promptly notify the comptroller of the sale or transfer and a new decal shall be issued in the new purchaser's name.

    (b) If a motor vehicle bearing a liquefied gas tax decal is destroyed or the liquefied gas carburetor system is removed, the owner is entitled to a refund of the unused portion of the advance taxes paid for that year. The owner or operator shall submit to the comptroller an affidavit identifying the vehicle, the license number of the vehicle, the decal number assigned to the vehicle, the circumstances entitling the owner to a refund, and all other information required by the comptroller. On receipt of the affidavit and when satisfied as to the circumstances, the comptroller shall refund that portion of the tax payment that corresponds to the number of complete months remaining in the year for which the tax has been paid, beginning with the month following the date on which the vehicle or the liquefied gas carburetor was no longer used. A refund may not be made if the use of the vehicle ceased during the last month of the year.

    (c) A licensed interstate trucker is entitled to a refund of the amount of the liquefied gas tax paid under this subchapter on each gallon of liquefied gas subsequently used outside this state. On verification by the comptroller that the interstate trucker's report was timely filed with all information required, the comptroller shall issue a warrant to the interstate trucker for the amount of the refund less the one percent deducted originally by the licensed dealer making the sale. An interstate trucker who fails to file an interstate trucker report by the 25th day of the month following the end of a calendar quarter forfeits the right to a refund.

Added by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 199, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 2004.