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  • (a) The legislature finds that:

    (1) in order to safeguard present and future groundwater supplies, usable and potentially usable groundwater must be protected and maintained;

    (2) protection of the environment and public health and welfare requires that groundwater be kept reasonably free of contaminants that interfere with present and potential uses of groundwater;

    (3) groundwater contamination may result from many sources, including current and past oil and gas production and related practices, agricultural activities, industrial and manufacturing processes, commercial and business endeavors, domestic activities, and natural sources that may be influenced by or may result from human activities;

    (4) the various existing and potential groundwater uses are important to the state economy; and

    (5) aquifers vary both in their potential for beneficial use and in their susceptibility to contamination.

    (b) The legislature determines that, consistent with the protection of the public health and welfare, the propagation and protection of terrestrial and aquatic life, the protection of the environment, the operation of existing industries, and the maintenance and enhancement of the long-term economic health of the state, it is the goal of groundwater policy in this state that the existing quality of groundwater not be degraded. This goal of nondegradation does not mean zero-contaminant discharge.

    (c) It is the policy of this state that:

    (1) discharges of pollutants, disposal of wastes, or other activities subject to regulation by state agencies be conducted in a manner that will maintain present uses and not impair potential uses of groundwater or pose a public health hazard; and

    (2) the quality of groundwater be restored if feasible.

    (d) The legislature recognizes the important role of the use of the best professional judgment of the responsible state agencies in attaining the groundwater goal and policy of this state.

Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 768, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1989.