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  • (a) The executive commissioner shall establish a local authority network advisory committee to advise the executive commissioner and the Department of State Health Services on technical and administrative issues that directly affect local mental health authority responsibilities.

    (b) The committee is composed of equal numbers of representatives of local mental health authorities, community mental health service providers, private mental health service providers, local government officials, advocates for individuals with mental health needs, consumers of mental health services, family members of individuals with mental health needs, and other individuals with expertise in the field of mental health appointed by the executive commissioner. In addition, the executive commissioner may appoint facilitators to the committee as necessary. In appointing the members, the executive commissioner shall also ensure a balanced representation of:

    (1) different regions of this state;

    (2) rural and urban counties; and

    (3) single-county and multicounty local mental health authorities.

    (c) Members appointed to the advisory committee must have some knowledge of, familiarity with, or understanding of the day-to-day operations of a local mental health authority.

    (d) The advisory committee shall:

    (1) review rules and proposed rules and participate in any negotiated rulemaking process related to local mental health authority operations;

    (2) advise the executive commissioner and the Department of State Health Services regarding evaluation and coordination of initiatives related to local mental health authority operations;

    (3) advise the executive commissioner and the Department of State Health Services in developing a method of contracting with local mental health authorities that will result in contracts that are flexible and responsive to:

    (A) the needs and services of local communities; and

    (B) the department's performance expectations;

    (4) coordinate with work groups whose actions may affect local mental health authority operations;

    (5) report to the executive commissioner and the Department of State Health Services on the committee's activities and recommendations at least once each fiscal quarter; and

    (6) work with the executive commissioner or the Department of State Health Services as the executive commissioner directs.

    (e) For any written recommendation the committee makes to the Department of State Health Services, the department shall provide to the committee a written response regarding any action taken on the recommendation or the reasons for the department's inaction on the subject of the recommendation.

    (f) The committee is subject to Chapter 2110, Government Code, except that the committee is not subject to Section 2110.004 or 2110.008, Government Code. The committee is abolished on September 1, 2017, unless the executive commissioner adopts a rule continuing the committee in existence beyond that date.

    (g) The Department of State Health Services may reimburse consumers of mental health services and family members of individuals with mental health needs appointed to the committee for travel costs incurred in performing their duties as provided in the General Appropriations Act.

Added by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 1187, Sec. 8, eff. Sept. 1, 1999. Amended by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. 1158, Sec. 79, eff. Sept. 1, 2001. Amended by: Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. 478 , Sec. 3, eff. June 16, 2007.